The Work Values & Attitude (WVA) assessment is designed for employers to use for employee screening, selection and development. The results contain data on each person’s strengths and risks and help predict behavior in these key areas:

  • Conformity
  • Responsibility
  • Coachability
  • Positivity
  • Aggression Control
  • Open Communication

The WVA reports offer insight that helps organizations:

  • Decrease negative outcomes such as employee absenteeism, turnover, theft, fraud and violence, AND
  • Increase positive outcomes such as teamwork, employee engagement, productivity, customer satisfaction, profitability, and more.


The WVA helps employers and managers understand how people will “fit” to roles and corporate values and attitudes by providing a preview of an individual’s natural work values and default settings. The reports provide insights that lead to increases in positive outcomes such as retention, productivity and engagement, and decreases in negative outcomes such as turnover, management challenges, and poor organizational and culture fit. The WVA can be used:

  • To identify and develop world-class talent for all levels of the organization
  • To identify people who “live and breathe” the organization’s values and culture
  • To reduce turnover rates and administrative costs associated with hiring wrong fit employees
  • To improve interview and onboarding processes
  • To manage role changes, promotions and organizational change
  • To reduce management challenges, employer-employee work dissatisfaction, and negative workplace morale
  • To increase retention rates, productivity and employee engagement
  • To reduce absenteeism, turnover, lost expertise, lost training resources and customer dissatisfaction


Download Sample Employer Report


  • Fast & Easy: Completed report results are available within 1 hour of the candidate submitting the assessment.
  • Better Pre-Screening Insight: Employer reports contain scores based on the key personality traits, which helps shortlist for interviews.
  • Better Interviews: Reports provide interview questions for the interviewer based on each participant’s unique results.
  • Convenience: Entire process is online through web portal 24/7
  • Included in our core bundle of assessments

Sample Reports & Resources

WVA Quick Reference Guide

WVA Employer Report

NEW WVA Participant Report